Wednesday 21 June 2017

Music Video Analysis - 1

Music Video Analysis

Track: Beach (I Wanna Make You Mine)                                            
Artist: Will Joseph Cook      
Eoin Glaister

Release Date: 21st of February 2017
Length of video: 2:57
Number of shots in entire video:  27 (Majority of video is one take until roughly 2:20)
Average length of shot: (Excluding long take) 0.5 seconds

Number of shots in 30 second segment (Taken from the last 30 seconds of the video)
Within the 30 second segment there are: 26
Number of CU: 1
Number of ECU: 0 
Number of LS: 22
Number of MS: 3
Number of panning shots: 0 
Number of tilts: 0 
Other shots: Long, Continuous take

By analysing this video, I have been able to gain an understanding of how shots can be used in order to reflect the themes and ideas of the track. As well as this I have learned that a wide variety of shots would not be crucial in creating a high quality, enjoyable video, meaning I would potentially be able to use long takes such as those in the video above.

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Music Video Final Draft