Friday 23 June 2017

Preliminary - Evaluation

Preliminary - Evaluation
Following on from publishing our rendition of the song 'What Time Is It', I am now able to draw on several thoughts regarding to the overall quality of the video, as well as possible areas of improvement. Below is an embeded link to the video, as well as sections relating to the strengths and weaknesses of the final outcome.

Overall, I believe that our recreation of the video was relatively consistent and reflective of the original version. I think this is mostly due to my group's ability to easily lip-synch with the track, as well as our skill in recreating certain shot types and angles. This is a skill I will hopefully adopt further into the task, as I believe lip-synching is vital in maintaining the audience's attention and investment in a music video of this type.

In terms of post production, I think that my group was also very successful in editing our many shots and scenes together, as our video (mostly) directly imitates the original. This is another positive attribute I hope to reuse, as it demonstrates my group's, and my own, skill at recreating existing pieces, as well as how to arrange each scene/shot correctly.

Weaknesses/Potential Improvements:
If we were given the chance to improve our video, my group and I would likely take more consideration into the costume of our characters, as we rarely took notice of it during the initial filming of our video. Whilst not disruptive of the shots or scenes, I believe that making our clothing more reflective of the original characters and performers. This would help to improve the authenticity of the video, as it would show a greater level of planning and study over the original video.

As well as this, I would also aim to aquire more actors to be present in the scene, as the original features multiple actors in the backround, wheres ours only featured myself, Rachel, Joelle and Keaton. I think that including more actors would help to make the scene resemble a real classroom, instead of the same four actors used in diferent roles.

In conclusion, I believe I have gained an understanding of what skills are needed for the basis of a high quality music video, as well as the need for conventions such as lip synching. Both the strengths and weaknesses of our video will allow me to pursue a greater quality further into this coursework, in turn giving me an improved perception of music videos as a whole.

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Music Video Final Draft