Below is a list of several fonts I thought may be appropriate for the title of the video, 'Nightcall'. Including the songs title is highly conventional of music videos, as it conveys a cinematic feel to the audience, while obviously clearly showing which song the video will be based around. Towards the end of this post, I have also included the results of a short questionnaire I conducted after my font reasearch to discover which font would be most preffered by my audience.
I researched my various fonts through the use of online websites such as as well as software such as Microsoft Word, as this allowed me to easily browse and select fonts - visualising how effective they would appear on the word 'Nightcall'.
Agency FB - Secondly, I chose this sans-serif font, Agency FB, as I thought its straight, almost uniform appearance would suit the concrete, sterile scenes that would feature in the opening of the video. Personally, I think this font would be highly effective for the video, however I will wait until I have conducted my questionnaire before deciding on which font to use.
Franklin Gothic Heavy - This font is more similar in appearance to the first two, however it is more 'bold', making it stand out more. Whilst this font is highly simplistic, I believe that if it were to be used with a suitable background image, it could be highly effective and eye-catching for the audience.
After deciding on these four fonts, I created and conducted a small questionnaire which allowed me to see which font would be preferred by my target audience. Before asking my participants, I gave a brief description of the purpose of the fonts, as well as my reasons for including each font.
As you can see from my data, the most popular font was Mistral, with Agency FB being the second most popular amongst my target audience. Personally, I believe this is a very positive outcome for me, as I had already considered using Mistral for my video, however, with this support from my potential audience, it has been solidified that I should definitely use Mistral. As mentioned previously, Mistral was used for the titles present in the film Drive, in which Nightcall is also featured. I think that by using Mistral, I would create a subtle reference to the film, a feature common in other music videos (e.g. Blur mimmicking 'A Clockwork Orange' for 'The Universal').
Overall, I believe that this research has been highly beneficial to me, as it has given me a greater understanding of how my music video should appear aesthetically. This will thereby allow me to produce a video widely enjoyed by my target audience, as well as fufilling the criteria for my video to be given a good overall grade.
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