For my video, I will not require many props, as the majority of the story will be told visually through the use of the shots and the actors involved. However, there are still several items I will require, each of which I have included below. I have attached a picture of each prop, as well as notes on how each one will be part of the narrative.

The watch will serve as a clue to the main character, hinting that the missing person has been in the location recently. The lead character will discover the watch in one of the 'daytime' scenes, with the watch giving further suggestion as to what the lead character is searching for. The character will pick up and examine the watch, before continuing in the direction he was previously walking, as the watch will inform him that he is clearly walking in the right direction. As I mentioned, the watch itself is mostly unimportant for the narrative, meaning I will likely just use my own for the required scenes.

'Missing Posters' - This prop would also be used as a plot device, as (when completed) it would show pictures of the missing character. This would be featured later in the video, as otherwise it would ruin the viewer's suspicions of what the lead character is looking for. Below is a quick 'mock-up' of a missing poster I made in roughly five minutes. I did some brief research in order to see what real-life missing posters look like, in terms of composition and layout. The poster used for the video would not require much detail, as the emphasis would be placed on the title and images featured on the sheet. As you can notice, the mock poster below does not feature any images of the missing person - this is becuase I have not yet cast an actor to play this role, however I will add images in once the role has been cast.